

If you are looking for the API portal / or to register a key, click here. For inquiries, you can DM hugo#0069 on Discord.

Welcome to the UNOFFICIAL apex legends API! This API is aimed at providing an easy way for developers to access Apex Legends player data, and also general game data.

This API is UNOFFICIAL. The API comes with no warranty, and there is no guaranteed uptime.

To use this API, you must register an API key first on the developer portal. Only one API key is allowed per project and person. Make sure to follow that rule, as your API key may be deleted otherwise. A fairuse rule applies when using this API. Don't make any action that could be harmful to the API itself.


To authorize, use this code:

# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

# You can also give the "auth" parameter in the GET request
curl ""

Make sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY with your API key.

Having an API Key is mandatory to use this API (As a reminder, you can get one on the developer portal).

You can either put your API key in a auth=YOUR_API_KEY GET parameter in your request, or use an authorization header, like below:

Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY

Rate limiting

When first creating an API key, you are limited to one request per 2 seconds. This limit can be increased to 2 requests/seconds by connecting with your Discord account. To do so, click on the red popup at the top of the API Portal

You are limited to 2 queries/second across all APIs. This limit can be increased in very specific cases by opening a ticket on the Discord server, within very reasonable limits.

To know your current request rate, you can check the X-Current-Rate header returned by the server.


You can retrieve data from specific APIs through webhooks. Currently, only the Shop API and match history API supports it. You must configure your webhook URLs on the developer portal.

The user agent used by the webhooks will always be "ApexAPI Webhook/0.1". Your server must accept the POST request within 3 seconds of receiving it, otherwise it will be dropped.

Player statistics

Query by name

This allows you to get a player's statistics using his name and his platform. For PC players, you must use the Origin account name, even if they are playing on Steam (in that case, use the Origin account name linked to that Steam account). Additional parameters are available, see below.

curl ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
player true The player's username
platform true The platform the player is playing on. Can be PC (Origin or Steam), PS4 (Playstation 4/5) or X1 (Xbox). Mobile is not supported at the moment.
version false Changes the API version (1, 2, 4 or 5). Current default version is 5, and you should not use any other version as they are no longer actively supported.
enableClubsBeta false (true or false) API will try to get the clubs the player is in. This will not always work, and may return no data. Still in beta.
skipRank false (any value) Won't return stats ranking data in the API response.
merge false (any value) Will merge trackers value of same type in a single tracker. For example, limited edition kills trackers will be displayed as "kills" trackers instead of "specialEvent_kills" trackers.
removeMerged false (any value) Will remove trackers that have been merged, keeping only the merged value.

Query by UID

This allows you to get a player's statistics using his UID and his platform. You can get a user UID by querying his name first, or by using an other API. Getting player stats by UID is recommended if you are going to query the same player multiple times, to avoid issues when the user changes his name.

This also supports Switch players statistics.

curl ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
uid true The player's UID
platform true The platform the player is playing on. Can be PC (Origin or Steam), PS4 (Playstation 4/5), X1 (Xbox) or SWITCH (Nintendo Switch). Mobile is not supported at the moment.
version false Changes the API version (1, 2, 4 or 5). Current default version is 5, and you should not use any other version as they are no longer actively supported.
enableClubsBeta false (true or false) API will try to get the clubs the player is in. This will not always work, and may return no data. Still in beta.
skipRank false (any value) Won't return stats ranking data in the API response.
merge false (any value) Will merge trackers value of same type in a single tracker. For example, limited edition kills trackers will be displayed as "kills" trackers instead of "specialEvent_kills" trackers.
removeMerged false (any value) Will remove trackers that have been merged, keeping only the merged value.

Match history

We support two types of match history APIs.

"New" match history API

You must be whitelisted to use this API. To do so, open a ticket on the Discord server by clicking here. This API is currently unavailable to new users.

This API is free to use, with a strict limit of 5 uniques players queried per hour. If you need additional players, see the "Legacy" match history API below. Data collected from the "Legacy" match history will also be available in the /games endpoint for easy filtering.

For each user you want to track match data from, you will need to make a /bridge request every 4 minutes (see documentation here). Collected match data will then be available on the /games endpoint.

curl ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
uid true The player's UID
mode false Only return matches made in a given game mode. Values can be BATTLE_ROYALE, ARENAS or UNKNOWN.
start false Only return games made after a given epoch timestamp. Value must be an int.
end false Only return games made before a given epoch timestamp. Value must be an int.
limit false Only return a maximum of X matches. Value must be an int.

"Legacy" match history API

This API is currently unavailable to new users. It is the original match history API, which does all the work for you. Data collected from this API will either be available from the /bridge endpoint, or the /games endpoint, while the /games endpoint allows for more precise data filtering. To get matches data from a player, you must add it to your tracked list first.

The query syntax is very similar to the Stats query, with a few additional parameters. Only UIDs are supported. To use the API, add a history=1 GET parameter to your /bridge query. Then, simply add the action GET parameter that can be one of the following values:

info Will return a list of all the players you're currently tracking, with their UID and platform.

get Will return all the tracked events (matches) for the given UID.

delete Will remove the given UID from your tracked players list.

add Will add the given UID to your tracked players list.

curl ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
uid true The player's UID
platform true The platform the player is playing on. Can be PC (Origin or Steam), PS4 (Playstation 4/5), X1 (Xbox) or SWITCH (Nintendo Switch).
history true Switches the bridge endpoint to "match history" mode. Value must be 1.
action true Tells what action you want to perform on your tracked players list. Values can be info, get, delete or add.


This API is currently unavailable to new users.

This API allows you to get the data for the top 500 players for each statistics/legends in the database. You can see an example of data on For each player, you will get its UID, name, platform and value. Data is updated every 6 hours.

When using this API and unless you have a "white label" access, you must add a direct clickable link to "" with the following text: "Data provided by Apex Legends Status"

curl ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
platform true Platform. Can be PC, X1, PS4, SWITCH or ANY.
legend true Legend name, starting with a capital letter. "Global" can be used to get global trackers and level, rankScore, arenaScore.
key false Tracker to return data for. Not supplying this argument with return a list of all available keys for the legend provided.

Map rotation

The map rotation API will return the current and next map for Battle Royale and Arenas, for both pubs and ranked modes. Control map rotation is also available. Be careful, version=1 (or no version parameter) will only return battle royale map data. For the complete rotation, you must use version=2.

curl ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
version false 1 for battle royale pubs only, 2 for all modes.


This API will return the RP/AP needed to reach Apex Predator on PC, Playstation, Xbox and Switch. It will also return the number of Masters on each platform.

curl ""

HTTP Request



Returns current in game shop data. Must be whitelisted to use this API by opening a Discord ticket.

curl ""

HTTP Request


Crafting rotation

This API will return the current items that can be crafted in replicators.

curl ""

HTTP Request



Will return the latest news from the news feed in the given lang. Lang defaults to en-US.

curl ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
lang false Lang code. Defaults to en-US if not specified.

Server status

Shows the current server status, as shown on the website. You must put either a clickable link to or have a message such as "Data from" when displaying data coming from this API.

curl ""

HTTP Request



Used to only get a player's UID without getting his Apex Legends statistics. The player must have played Apex Legends previously.

curl ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
player true The player's name.

Name to UID

Used to return a player's UID from a given name, but also works with Playstation and Xbox players.

curl ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
player true The player's name.
platform true The player's platform. Values can be PS4 for Playstation, X1 for Xbox and PC for Origin.


The API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Try again in a few minutes.
403 Unauthorized / Unknown API key.
404 The player could not be found.
405 External API error.
410 Unknown platform provided.
429 Rate limit reached.
500 Internal error.